
The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. We bring our voices, experiences and memories to mentor, motivate and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues. Suzuki Elders listen, learn, share and act through educating, communicating, connecting and non-partisan advocacy.  We welcome new members.

We are about 120 members, mostly from Vancouver, British Columbia and environs, who share both passion and concern for our environment.  We contribute to various working groups and connect through blog posts, public meetings, and Facebook.


If you agree with the values expressed in the Declaration of Interdependence and in our Constitution, complete the membership application form. Applications are reviewed and approval is voted upon at the monthly meeting of the Suzuki Elder Council. We consider all ages, although most of our members are close to, at, or beyond “official” retirement age.

Suzuki Elders Council

We ask for nominations for Council members three months before the annual meeting, and vote at the annual meeting of our membership.

Environmental Focus

Climate change has been an important focus for the Elders this year. However, Suzuki Elders support other issues – and we usually decide this through our annual strategic planning process.


We do not solicit donations. Of course, you are free to donate to the DSF and you can even designate funds to the work of the Suzuki Elders.

Story Telling

Hey, story telling is important, and yes, we have groups of elders interested in action and events. See our working group reports.

My Project

Like the David Suzuki Foundation, the Suzuki Elders do not endorse other projects or programs, although we often provide information and links to groups doing work of direct interest to the Suzuki Elders.

Annual General Meeting

We have an Annual General Meeting in the spring of each year.

Links To Other Websites

Typically no, we don’t have links to websites, other than the David Suzuki Foundation.

Time Commitment

It’s your choice. We have an annual meeting and a gathering or two during the year. We have three or four committees that meet monthly. Some elders work from home, submitting articles to the blog or Google Group. Some members are voted to Council and attend monthly meetings in addition to working group meetings.

Meeting Location

Council meetings are held at the David Suzuki Foundation office at 2211 West 4th Ave., Suite 219 in Vancouver. Some of our working groups also meet there, although this is flexible.

David Suzuki Foundation

The Suzuki Elders work as volunteers with and through the David Suzuki Foundation, specifically as part of the Communications and Public Engagement division. 

Need More Information

Contact us if you need more information.