by Stan Hirst
Oh, hello Mom. How are you? Is dad still doing fine?
Yes, we’re OK, no colds or ‘flu, that’s always a good sign.
Jody wears the dung’rees you sent, just about worn them through,
Billy’s now playing junior league, he joined the Boy Scouts too.
Oh, Tom’s O.K., working hard, keeping the herd close by.
The crops are in, what there is, prices aren’t too high.
Actually, Mom, that’s why I called. We won’t come by this fall.
Tom’s got a job. Yes, at the mill. Same work he did before.
Rains never came as usual here, things haven’t been that great,
We lost the soy crop on the bench, just couldn’t irrigate.
Extension guy says its all true – our rainfall’s changed for good.
Longer drought spells, lots more dry wells, ain’t doing what they should.
Oh yes Mom, I remember what Dad said back way when,
“In ’32 the rains failed too, the storms showed up and then?”
The extension guy was by last week and had a word with Tom,
Said folks like us had it good, but now we got to change, Mom.
Rains might come, so might droughts, we’ll never know for certain.
Making out that it’ll all pan out is just setting it up for hurtin’.
How is who? Oh, Maxine Roux. She moved back to the city.
Sold her land to Pete’s Gravel & Sand, I think that’s such a pity.
So that’s my news. Life goes on. Que sera sera.
You told me once that resilience will take a person far
Prairie life’s not easy life, we’ll just keep standing tall.
Got to go now. I’ll call again. Love to Dad and all.
I like the picture….the ghosts of the people talking on the phone?
True “prairie-speak!” So much and yet so little communication. Thanks, Stan.
Wow, thank you Stan. I regularly call my prairie family who fill me in on how the cattle and crops are doing.
Some years are good. 2017 was great for one Alberta uncle, aged 78 who put up 800 round bales. Yet, some years have been difficult.
Your words capture the essence of prairie life, especially, “Prairie life’s not easy life, we’ll just keep standing tall.”
They live so close to the land and do the best they can. They are truly salt of the earth!