by suzukiwebmaster | Nov 29, 2020 | Advocacy, Developing Resilience, Green Perspective, Our Changing World, Species & Ecosystems
by Stan Hirst Back in September 2020 most of us were most likely a little preoccupied with incessant hand-washing, face-mask adjustment, standing in line for dwindling supplies of beer and toilet paper, and general hand-wringing over news of the cancelled Grey Cup....
by suzukiwebmaster | Oct 26, 2020 | Advocacy, Green Perspective, Rules of Engagement, Species & Ecosystems
by Bob Worcester The 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with its “doctrine of discovery” declared “non-Christian” lands were fair game for European explorers. By this doctrine Canada was deemed “terra nullius” or “empty land” which when claimed for the Crown gave sovereigns...
by suzukiwebmaster | Aug 12, 2020 | Developing Resilience, Green Perspective, Seeking Clarity, Species & Ecosystems
by Stan Hirst A fine alliterative title, but it presents a problem in visioning. Just what does a trillion trees actually look like? What size area would, or could they cover? The story starts with Kenyan Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) who, while serving in the National...
by suzukiwebmaster | Jul 12, 2020 | Seeking Clarity, Species & Ecosystems
by Leyla Acaroglu — Condensed with permission from “Problem Solving Desperately Needs Systems Thinking,” originally published at Medium June 26, 2018. Most of us are taught, from a young age, that in order to solve a problem, we simply need to break it down to its...
by suzukiwebmaster | Jun 28, 2019 | Green Perspective, Our Changing World, Species & Ecosystems
by Bram Büscher and Robert Fletcher Edward O Wilson is one of the world’s most revered, reviled and referenced conservation biologists. In his new book (and Aeon essay) Half-Earth, he comes out with all guns blazing, proclaiming the terrible fate of biodiversity, the...
by suzukiwebmaster | Mar 20, 2019 | Developing Resilience, Green Perspective, Opinions, Seeking Clarity, Species & Ecosystems
by Anna Grear How can the law account for the value of complex, nonhuman entities such as rivers, lakes, forests and ecosystems? At a time of runaway climate change, when the Earth’s biosphere is on the brink of collapse and species extinctions are accelerating, this...