Climate Crawl through Arts, Culture & Action

About 200 people from several Vancouver environmenta groups gathered at Performance Works, Granville Island, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, to explore how the arts – film, music, dance, etc. – contribute to climate action and IMPACT across generations. They engaged with thought-provoking short films, creative workshops, and took part in letter-writing campaign to political leaders. They… Continue reading Climate Crawl through Arts, Culture & Action

Calling on All Seniors to Participate in Canada’s Senior Day, Oct. 1

Alarmed by the Climate Crisis, the Suzuki Elders are calling on all Canadian Seniors to demonstrate growing concern about the impacts of climate change. Erlene Woollard, a Suzuki Elder and co-leader of the Seniors’ Day planning group, said that the purpose of the call to action is to help create a liveable future for our… Continue reading Calling on All Seniors to Participate in Canada’s Senior Day, Oct. 1

Categorized as Advocacy

Moving Beyond Despair about the Climate Crisis

Session at Trout Lake Community Centre attracted Elders and Young people Suzuki Elders and Solastalgia Youth joined together April 14, 2024, for a unique and inspiring intergenerational afternoon that united the wisdom of the elderly with the passion of youth in a creative exploration of emotions related to the climate crisis. This creative experience engaged… Continue reading Moving Beyond Despair about the Climate Crisis

What is an Elder?

This is often asked question can be answered in a number of ways.  The simple answer is that it is a term used to refer to older members of a society and often, though not necessarily, used as a term of respect. Most cultures world-wide have a similar term used to designate mature individuals.  For… Continue reading What is an Elder?

Categorized as Opinions

Lucid Ramblings

On a Drink of Water and on Slowing Down By Dan KingsburySuzuki Elder Maybe climate change is the wrong message. Maybe fresh water scarcity and water wars are the right message, and unless we do something different soon, it isn’t going to matter much. Such as it is, we are a reflection of our environment.… Continue reading Lucid Ramblings