Butterfly Gardens Bring Biodiversity to British Columbia’s Urban Areas

It’s finally spring, and spring brings gardens and butterflies. Suzuki Elders and many other seniors are a driving force behind the creation and renewal of butterfly gardens popping up in many communities all over Canada. Butterfly gardens are designed to create a habitat for not only butterflies but pollinator insects of many kinds – first… Continue reading Butterfly Gardens Bring Biodiversity to British Columbia’s Urban Areas

The Story of Cascadia

It started as an accident. A whisky jack landed on the limb of an old pine overburdened with snow from the latest polar vortex. The limb broke with a loud crack triggering the index finger reflex of an RCMP officer providing lethal overwatch at a routine check on the TMX pipeline protest. A shot rang… Continue reading The Story of Cascadia

Solstice Meditation

A poem by Marianne Worcester This is the season of impossibles: impossible lineups, traffic, impossible deadlines, impossible expectations I place on myself; impossible dreams of a consumer paradise available to so impossibly few; the season tugs at me, swings me from pole to pole, revealing all my unresolved places: perfectionism, flowing down the motherline; seasonal… Continue reading Solstice Meditation


by Lillian Ireland Does he take the snow for granted when it’s 35 below? The prairie winds howl out his name walking towards the frozen pond with his well-used axe and auger so the cattle can quench their thirst, watching colours decorate the sky when sunlight starts to burst. Dare I take the rain for… Continue reading Waves

Five Suzuki Elders and their Stories

The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders, working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. They support other elders and younger generations through dialogue and action on environmental issues. Five of the elders share what they’ve learned from these collaborations in this video. For the video, go to this link https://digitalstories.ca/video/tell-me-a-story/

To Be A Climate Leader Take Climate Reality Training

Twenty years later, and now an elder in his 70s, Al Gore is still giving Climate Reality presentations. After more than a decade of delivering powerful presentations, Al Gore’s passion has grown into an annual global training movement. Climate Reality Training offers the opportunity to learn more about the climate crisis and empowers individuals to… Continue reading To Be A Climate Leader Take Climate Reality Training

We aren’t giving up the fight against the TMX pipeline!

By Karl Perrin, Suzuki Elder. The fight to stop the TMX (Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tank Farm Expansion) has been going on since 2012), and it isn’t over yet. Yes, the pipeline is being built, but the fight continues. Why? Because the new pipe would carry 590,000 barrels of dilbit (diluted bitumen) per day. SFU… Continue reading We aren’t giving up the fight against the TMX pipeline!

The Write Stuff

By Stan Hirst, Suzuki Elder. What did we Elders learn from building and running those early websites over the course of a decade? We discovered that world-wide web users were indeed drawn to our sites – hundreds of thousands of viewers from 180 countries. The most popular items with viewers were the blog posts, the… Continue reading The Write Stuff

Inter-generational Storytelling Project

The Suzuki Elders have often told stories about their connection to nature. An appreciation and love of the natural world is how most became involved with the David Suzuki organization. In 2015 a group of  young people interviewed several Suzuki Elders about their experiences and created this video. The tales the young people gathered showed… Continue reading Inter-generational Storytelling Project