You Gotta Have Hope

by Diana Ellis, Suzuki Elder. Hope is complex. Some cling to it, others don’t believe in it at all. We lose hope sometimes, and gain it at other times. Our own historical place in society impacts on our sense of hope, and our experience with hope impacts on our thoughts and actions about our place… Continue reading You Gotta Have Hope

Climate: A New Story

Climate: A New Story by Charles Eisenstein North Atlantic | 2018 | 320 pages Having read this book and also watched the video below of author Charles Eisentstein himself reviewing it, I have convinced myself it is a powerful narrative to begin to comprehend the significance of these times in terms of survival of the kind of diversity… Continue reading Climate: A New Story

Season’s greetings……

  “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” –  John Muir (1912)