About 200 people from several Vancouver environmenta groups gathered at Performance Works, Granville Island, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, to explore how the arts – film, music, dance, etc. – contribute to climate action and IMPACT across generations.
They engaged with thought-provoking short films, creative workshops, and took part in letter-writing campaign to political leaders. They exploredhow the arts can work to bring awareness to the climate crisis and promote action.
Several tables were set up and three films shown, plus a choral presentation. A table offered a campaign letter to also be signed on the spot for volunteers to mail expressing requests to do with important social and environmental issues, and several other tables offered several other tangible opportunities for positive and direct action.

The event was organized by the Suzuki Elders and SPEC, the Society Promoting Environmental Conservation.
We are grateful to live, work, and play on the unceded traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tseleil-Watuth Nations.