A Virtual Forum

Stephen Thomas, Clean Energy Manager at the David Suzuki Foundation, spoke June 25 on Zoom on what’s needed for BC and Canada if they are to meet the growing demands forecast for our electricity grid in the near future.
He discussed how capable are British Columbia’s and Canada’s electricity networks to move power from sustainable energy sources – such as increased hydro and wind power, and possibly future geothermal and tidal energy. Demand for electricity will be great due to many more to all the electric vehicles and heat pumps needed as we wean ourselves from fossil fuels—as we must.

Stephen delved into the difficulties faced by both urban and residential Canadians as they move to sustainable energy sources, and offer suggestions as to how to get there more quickly. Stephen has a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Dalhousie University, where he specialized in energy systems analysis
For a report on which Stephen based his talk, go here. For a recording on the session, contact RosKellett@gmail.com, chair of the Suzuki Elders’ Energy Committee.

Well a broken clock is correct twice a day. But since I am posting this on June 25 I’ll assume that by current date you mean whatever day it currently is rather than the currently posted date of June 15 that remains in the text above.