Early Spring

By Lillian Ireland The early dawn had been enshrouded in profound global grief. Feeling the despair, I turned off the news and stepped outside for some brisk morningair. Needing a healthy distraction, I drove to my outdoor sanctuary, a place of safety andfamiliarity. My fingers automatically reached for the car radio and just as quickly,… Continue reading Early Spring

A clear-eyed view of the value of Two-Eyed Seeing in environmental management

by Stan Hirst Canada has bequeathed a host of memes to the world. Most have to do with snow, cold, hockey or national institutions such as Tim Horton’s. Some are barbs at our American neighbours, others are subtle boosts to our own fragile egos. Now a new one has been appearing more frequently in the… Continue reading A clear-eyed view of the value of Two-Eyed Seeing in environmental management


In late April, Canada celebrated National Volunteer Week.  This year’s theme was: Volunteering is Empathy in Action.  “Volunteers bring heart to Canada’s communities, affirming the strong connection between volunteerism and empathy. This profoundly human connection is at the heart of healthier individuals and stronger communities. The empathy, compassion and generosity of volunteers creates connected communities and… Continue reading Reclaimed

Butterfly Gardens Bring Biodiversity to British Columbia’s Urban Areas

It’s finally spring, and spring brings gardens and butterflies. Suzuki Elders and many other seniors are a driving force behind the creation and renewal of butterfly gardens popping up in many communities all over Canada. Butterfly gardens are designed to create a habitat for not only butterflies but pollinator insects of many kinds – first… Continue reading Butterfly Gardens Bring Biodiversity to British Columbia’s Urban Areas

The Story of Cascadia

It started as an accident. A whisky jack landed on the limb of an old pine overburdened with snow from the latest polar vortex. The limb broke with a loud crack triggering the index finger reflex of an RCMP officer providing lethal overwatch at a routine check on the TMX pipeline protest. A shot rang… Continue reading The Story of Cascadia

Solstice Meditation

A poem by Marianne Worcester This is the season of impossibles: impossible lineups, traffic, impossible deadlines, impossible expectations I place on myself; impossible dreams of a consumer paradise available to so impossibly few; the season tugs at me, swings me from pole to pole, revealing all my unresolved places: perfectionism, flowing down the motherline; seasonal… Continue reading Solstice Meditation


by Lillian Ireland Does he take the snow for granted when it’s 35 below? The prairie winds howl out his name walking towards the frozen pond with his well-used axe and auger so the cattle can quench their thirst, watching colours decorate the sky when sunlight starts to burst. Dare I take the rain for… Continue reading Waves

Five Suzuki Elders and their Stories

The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders, working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. They support other elders and younger generations through dialogue and action on environmental issues. Five of the elders share what they’ve learned from these collaborations in this video. For the video, go to this link https://digitalstories.ca/video/tell-me-a-story/