by Jill Schroder
Instead of making New Year’s resolutions and then not keeping them, what if we decided to pick a mantra? The current issue of Future Crunch, my favorite good news publication and source of much valuable and encouraging information, suggests just that: Pick a Mantra.
They suggest choosing one word that resonates for you, and making it your focus for the year – a guide, a touchstone, something to return to. For a number of reasons the editors chose Optimism. Not blind, or pollyanna optimism, but realistic, compassionate, courageous optimism. When I thought about picking a mantra what came to mind for me and for the year ahead was Simplify.
I love the ring of it, the flavour, the effect on my body when I feel into what that could mean for me and how it could manifest in my life. And this is especially nice, even startling, because not that long ago Simplify meant ‘give up’, ‘stop doing’, ‘slow down…’ it felt like a lot of “shoulds” being laid on me — with all the fun taken away! That’s a bit of an exaggeration but if I had been asked to pick a mantra five years ago, it would definitely not have been this one.
Why Simplify? What does it mean, where does it reside, how does it resonate? First of all, I’d like to cull.…in many areas of my life. I love passing on, getting rid of, consolidating, organizing. It’s always easy. For example, take the things I really like but never use. Simplify would be a helpful, gentle guide when I get down to it: clothes, files, family pictures, stuff in general.
Then there’s my schedule, activities, use of time. Simplify would help me assess, with compassion and kindness, what really matters… day to day, and on through the year – activism, food, exercise, contribution, mind-body-spirit balance…
Plastic Pollution is the new focus of the Green Team in my building. We are trying raise awareness, and encourage people to face this huge problem – reducing the amount of plastic that we use, especially single use. Have a look at A Plastic Voyage, a depressing yet inspiring documentary made by the daughter of a resident in our building. Simplify would help me, help us all, take a closer look at our consumer choices. Little things done often by us all add up to a significant difference.
And then this biggie arrived today, Salient Facts and Actions regarding climate change. In a nutshell it comes down to Fly less, Drive less, Eat less meat (especially beef). We could add, Buy Less (new stuff in particular).
Pick a Mantra. Mine is Simplify. I feel light (a little heavy too, if I’m wholly honest, but mostly light) and heartened. Like starting a new adventure. I feel my shoulders relax, my breathing slow, space opening up, right now, in the moment.
What might be a helpful mantra for you in 2018?
I like this suggestion. Rather than a whole long sentence or two or? three!!, just focus on a phrase or keyword as a mantra for 12 months or so. I like the word SIMPLIFY as well, but I would change for myself to be DOWNSIZED. I need to shed some boxes of “pure and mixed papers” that I accumulated over my years of teaching most of the sciences at secondary schools over a range of 40 years. Much HAS changed but some of the “old but solid” worksheets and examples for writing chemical formulae, for example, are as useful now as 40 years ago!
Thanks for these good suggestions for the 2018 New Year!