by Stan Hirst The following is a lightly edited reprint of a post which first appeared on this site in July 2012 (pre-Harvey, pre-Irma, pre-California fires, pre-Trump, pre-COP 21, pre-COP 24). In the Blogmaster’s humble opinion it deserves a rerun. ******************************************************** Naramata Centre: A green, leafy place on the eastern shore of Okanagan Lake, British… Continue reading GLOBAL CRISIS – THE VIEW FROM NARAMATA
Tag: anthropogenic
by Stan Hirst It has never been said better than by Carl Sagan in his speech at Cornell University in 1994. “…… you see a dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys… Continue reading THE END IS NIGH
U.N. call for global action on climate change
On 10 September 2018, António Guterres, the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations, made a major address to warn of the global threat posed by climate change and to point to the massive benefits that climate action could and should generate. He called on political and business leaders to take up the challenge and expressed hope… Continue reading U.N. call for global action on climate change
All in it together willy- nilly
by Roger Sweeny From a newsletter to parishioners of St. Francis-in-the-Wood Anglican Church, West Vancouver, B.C., June 2013 THE MESSAGE: During Pentecost and now, as we ponder the Trinity, the message has been about opening our hearts to receive the Spirit of Truth, the unseen one who will walk with us, live in us, inspire… Continue reading All in it together willy- nilly