Energy in Society: Myth of Utopia

The Noor I Concentrated Solar Power plant, shown on Thursday, is the first phase of a large solar thermal power plant that is intended to supply more than a million Moroccans with electricity.

by Richard Norris The world is embarking on a monumental energy transition with the aim of decarbonizing the global energy infrastructure. While essential, we must not underestimate the scale and difficulty of this transition. Currently 85% of global energy supply comes from fossil fuels. In addition to replacing this existing energy supply with greener, cleaner… Continue reading Energy in Society: Myth of Utopia

Generations Rising: Inspiring Climate Action

by Diana Ellis and Stan Hirst In the fall of 2018 David Suzuki dropped by the monthly meeting of the Council of Elders in Vancouver, B.C. Some weeks earlier the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had issued its IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.  The report’s essential messages were being widely circulated.… Continue reading Generations Rising: Inspiring Climate Action

Canada’s environmental performance: cause for concern?

by Stan Hirst During the run-up to the 2015 Canadian federal elections a total of 164,704 respondents reacted to the simple online question “What issue is most important to you in this election?“. The largest proportion of respondents (36%) said “economy”. The next largest proportion (11%) said “environment”. The remaining issues cited were “health” (11%),… Continue reading Canada’s environmental performance: cause for concern?

Dear Premier Notley

It is our pleasure as British Columbians to welcome you to Vancouver this coming week. We understand you have come to our fair city to address the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade on the merits of the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline project. We must apologize for our weather; it is a bit dark and damp… Continue reading Dear Premier Notley

The pros and cons of nuclear power versus coal

by Peggy Olive In an ideal world, inexpensive, reliable, and safe sources of green energy would abound, and we could avoid using energy derived from either nuclear fission or coal burning. But we’re not there yet, and with climate change already affecting life on our planet, most of us believe that we need to move… Continue reading The pros and cons of nuclear power versus coal