Living with uncertainty

by Jill Schroder Our southern neighbour is in the throes of a vital election which affects almost everyone on the planet and has created a lot of uncertainty.  In addition it’s a hugely challenging time for many of us in Canada and elsewhere.  There are risks of disastrous losses, multiple concerns, and deep uncertainty about… Continue reading Living with uncertainty

Cultivate Joy — we sure need it now!

by Jill Schroder Joy and delight, enthusiasm and lightheartedness are good for our health, our immune systems, and have trickle-down benefits for everybody and everything we come in contact with. I find that when I focus on joy and delight, love and light, my energy changes… the energy that I bring to whatever is in… Continue reading Cultivate Joy — we sure need it now!

Time alone (chosen or not) can be a chance to hit the reset button

by Thuy-vy Nguyen Solitude has become a topic of fascination in modern Western societies because we believe it is a lost art – often craved, yet so seldom found. It might seem as if we ought to walk away from society completely to find peaceful moments for ourselves. Yet there is a quote I really… Continue reading Time alone (chosen or not) can be a chance to hit the reset button

Reach out, listen, be patient. Good arguments can stop extremism

by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong Many of my best friends think that some of my deeply held beliefs about important issues are obviously false or even nonsense. Sometimes, they tell me so to my face. How can we still be friends? Part of the answer is that these friends and I are philosophers, and philosophers learn how… Continue reading Reach out, listen, be patient. Good arguments can stop extremism

Political Tribes: Group Instinct and  the Fate of Nations

Political Tribes: Group Instinct and  the Fate of Nations by Amy Chua Penguin Random House | 2018 | 304 pages Amy Chua is probably best known through social media as the Tiger Mom following widespread publication of her 2011 Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. More importantly from the perspective of this book review, she… Continue reading Political Tribes: Group Instinct and  the Fate of Nations

Climate change conversations: how to have them without everyone walking out of the room

by Don Marshall and David MacQuarrie 2019 Salon on Climate Change Conversations The Suzuki Elders presented a Salon on February 28, 2019 on climate change conversations. The important byline was “How to have them without everyone walking out of the room”. Attended by 33 participants, the Salon was essentially a pilot exercise to explore the… Continue reading Climate change conversations: how to have them without everyone walking out of the room

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells Penguin Random House LLC | 2019 | 320 Pages Climate change has become a significant rallying point for the global environmental movement. In Canada in 2018 there were 87 listed environmental groups and non-governmental organizations (among them the David Suzuki Foundation) who devoted substantial portions of their time… Continue reading The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming