by Graham Rawlings I feel proud that the Australian State of Tasmania has recently declared itself 100% powered by renewable electricity. What a break-through, hopefully to be followed by many other jurisdictions in due course. Tasmania is unique in that it has a favourable climate, suitable topography, and geology which make it all possible. How… Continue reading The World of Water
Tag: recent posts
What Will It Take for Governments to Act?
by Paul Strome Most people who live in a ‘free country’ like Canada believe they have the right to a healthy environment. We feel we are entitled to all that is imbedded in that philosophy – clean water, fresh air, healthy food, etc. Those of us who live in a rural setting (18% as of… Continue reading What Will It Take for Governments to Act?
Brave new post-Covid world
by Stan Hirst Gloomy and rain today. Just like yesterday. And the day before. Day before that too, come to think of it. Suits my sombre mood. Newsline does not help much either – tells me that only 2.3% of the Canadian population have received the first shot of Covid-19 vaccine as of today. The… Continue reading Brave new post-Covid world
Groundhog Day, again
by Lillian Ireland Does it kind of feel like Groundhog Day when the days just seem to spin? A week, a month, a year, repeat; seems like the beginning again! This treadmill that we’re running on has left many people in tears, continually picking up pieces while facing recycled fears. Changes evolve, like the masks… Continue reading Groundhog Day, again
Stepping out of the shade
by Jill Schroder “When day comes, we step out of the shade…” is an excerpt from Amanda Gorman, the youth Poet Laureate’s contribution at the Biden-Harris inauguration. This phrase landed with me and then rippled out. It does seem like we are stepping out of the shade now, in January. The days are getting longer,… Continue reading Stepping out of the shade
Lobsters, Legacies and Legalities in the 21st Century
by Bob Worcester The 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with its “doctrine of discovery” declared “non-Christian” lands were fair game for European explorers. By this doctrine Canada was deemed “terra nullius” or “empty land” which when claimed for the Crown gave sovereigns the legal right to occupy, govern, defend and exploit that land. In the long sad history… Continue reading Lobsters, Legacies and Legalities in the 21st Century
To what do you assign value?
by Lillian Ireland Unparalleled reckoning… unparalleled possibilities… Have you ever sat at your window, waiting for dawn’s first light, the night had seemed so long and bleak, you yearned for things to get right? Life’s GPS was missing; it was hard to plan your day, you felt so uprooted, your plans had all shifted, the… Continue reading To what do you assign value?
Is there a limit to optimism when it comes to climate change?
by Fiacha Heneghan ‘We’re doomed’: a common refrain in casual conversation about climate change. It signals an awareness that we cannot, strictly speaking, avert climate change. It is already here. All we can hope for is to minimise climate change by keeping global average temperature changes to less than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in order… Continue reading Is there a limit to optimism when it comes to climate change?
Upping the Elder Game
by Stan Hirst I admit I first entitled this post “Love in the Time of Covid19”, but then thought better of it. For one thing it lacked a certain impact; secondly, I was secretly afraid of a visitation from the ghost of Gabriel García Márquez. Then I tried “From elders to Elders” but the chintzy… Continue reading Upping the Elder Game
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer Hamish Hamilton | 2019 | 272 pages This is one of those books which deals with a divisive subject (climate change) and then creates yet more discord amongst readers because of the author’s style and message. Jonathan Safran Foer delves into… Continue reading We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast