The World of Water

by Graham Rawlings I feel proud that the Australian State of Tasmania has recently declared itself 100% powered by renewable electricity. What a break-through, hopefully to be followed by many other jurisdictions in due course. Tasmania is unique in that it has a favourable climate, suitable topography, and geology which make it all possible. How… Continue reading The World of Water

Sanitizers in Staples

by Rob Dramer and Lillian Ireland   Sanitizers in Staples and masks in their stock! Who would have guessed this on life’s earlier clock? Floor lines in Thrifty’s, metering spaces with plexiglass protection so we still see their faces. For some, there’s confusion when things aren’t enforced; conflicts build up then challenges emerge. Yet, it’s… Continue reading Sanitizers in Staples

To what do you assign value?

by Lillian Ireland Unparalleled reckoning… unparalleled possibilities… Have you ever sat at your window, waiting for dawn’s first light, the night had seemed so long and bleak, you yearned for things to get right? Life’s GPS was missing; it was hard to plan your day, you felt so uprooted, your plans had all shifted, the… Continue reading To what do you assign value?

When I was a boy

by Diana Ellis When I was growing up, the utterance from my father of the phrase “when I was a boy…” usually at the dinner table, inevitably resulted in a combination of interest and eyeball-rolling, depending on how many times we had heard the story before. Now in my mid 70’s, this is one story… Continue reading When I was a boy