by Graham Rawlings I feel proud that the Australian State of Tasmania has recently declared itself 100% powered by renewable electricity. What a break-through, hopefully to be followed by many other jurisdictions in due course. Tasmania is unique in that it has a favourable climate, suitable topography, and geology which make it all possible. How… Continue reading The World of Water
Tag: story telling
Groundhog Day, again
by Lillian Ireland Does it kind of feel like Groundhog Day when the days just seem to spin? A week, a month, a year, repeat; seems like the beginning again! This treadmill that we’re running on has left many people in tears, continually picking up pieces while facing recycled fears. Changes evolve, like the masks… Continue reading Groundhog Day, again
Stepping forward into 2021
by Lillian Ireland “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of the intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the beauty in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy… Continue reading Stepping forward into 2021
War Stories
by Diana Ellis November 11 2020. The 7 year-old-grandboy has questions about war – his first ones. We are at Iona Beach today – one of our favourite spots to hang. He calls it Jetty Beach because of…well, the jetty. Samuel starts to draw in the sand (who needs paper and paints!?). Charlotte and I… Continue reading War Stories
Sanitizers in Staples
by Rob Dramer and Lillian Ireland Sanitizers in Staples and masks in their stock! Who would have guessed this on life’s earlier clock? Floor lines in Thrifty’s, metering spaces with plexiglass protection so we still see their faces. For some, there’s confusion when things aren’t enforced; conflicts build up then challenges emerge. Yet, it’s… Continue reading Sanitizers in Staples
To what do you assign value?
by Lillian Ireland Unparalleled reckoning… unparalleled possibilities… Have you ever sat at your window, waiting for dawn’s first light, the night had seemed so long and bleak, you yearned for things to get right? Life’s GPS was missing; it was hard to plan your day, you felt so uprooted, your plans had all shifted, the… Continue reading To what do you assign value?
The unfinished tale
by Marilyn Daniels Once upon a time… In a land beyond time… Was a village known far and wide. Now in that village The people woke with the sun And worked in the fields and at their crafts from dawn ‘til dusk. Then their fires were lit One by one… And they sat together by… Continue reading The unfinished tale
Sit back and stand strong
Photo: Les Raskewicz Photo: Jenn Ireland by Lillian Ireland The days have blurred beyond today, one hour into another, It’s strange, this new norm; our lives are now changed, uncertainty is the mantra. Quiet heaviness weighs in, while we all wait this out then we hear a… Continue reading Sit back and stand strong
When I was a boy
by Diana Ellis When I was growing up, the utterance from my father of the phrase “when I was a boy…” usually at the dinner table, inevitably resulted in a combination of interest and eyeball-rolling, depending on how many times we had heard the story before. Now in my mid 70’s, this is one story… Continue reading When I was a boy
Our home the Earth is small
by Lillian Ireland Our home the Earth is small, it’s smaller than you know From Argentina to Tanzania to Greece and Mexico. We are all one family and the Earth is our small home, Hey, what do you know – we all belong, so sing a family song. Sing of caring for each other,… Continue reading Our home the Earth is small