Energy in Society: Myth of Utopia

The Noor I Concentrated Solar Power plant, shown on Thursday, is the first phase of a large solar thermal power plant that is intended to supply more than a million Moroccans with electricity.

by Richard Norris The world is embarking on a monumental energy transition with the aim of decarbonizing the global energy infrastructure. While essential, we must not underestimate the scale and difficulty of this transition. Currently 85% of global energy supply comes from fossil fuels. In addition to replacing this existing energy supply with greener, cleaner… Continue reading Energy in Society: Myth of Utopia

Generations Rising: Inspiring Climate Action

by Diana Ellis and Stan Hirst In the fall of 2018 David Suzuki dropped by the monthly meeting of the Council of Elders in Vancouver, B.C. Some weeks earlier the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had issued its IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.  The report’s essential messages were being widely circulated.… Continue reading Generations Rising: Inspiring Climate Action

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari. Penguin Random House.  372pp Oxford-educated lecturer in history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yuval Noah Harari established his credentials with two bestsellers. Sapiens was a reflection of mankind’s progress through history, from the discovery of fire to the creation of cyborgs. Homo Deus detailed… Continue reading 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

U.N. call for global action on climate change

On 10 September 2018, António Guterres, the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations, made a major address to warn of the global threat posed by climate change and to point to the massive benefits that climate action could and should generate. He called on political and business leaders to take up the challenge and expressed hope… Continue reading U.N. call for global action on climate change

The rocky road to the common ground

by Stan Hirst The Suzuki Elders have been at the environmental game for some 9 years now – gathering, talking, arguing, urging, advocating, educating, inspiring on and off, blogging and berating. As our website declares “we bring our voices, experiences and memories to mentor, motivate and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and… Continue reading The rocky road to the common ground

Stuff, stuff and more stuff

by Bev Krush George Carlin’s classic stand-up routine on TV about the importance of ‘Stuff’ in our lives says it all. And he said it way back in 1986! We clearly have a growing problem with Stuff. With just 6% of the world’s population, North America currently consumes 30% of the world’s resources and creates… Continue reading Stuff, stuff and more stuff

Rethinking PLASTIC: Making change happen

by Patricia Plackett On 26 October 2017 a salon organized by the Suzuki Elders examined the growing concern surrounding plastic in our oceans.  The durability of plastic means that it never disappears, although it can break down into smaller and smaller micro-sized and nano-sized pieces. Of the plastic discarded on land, a surprisingly large amount… Continue reading Rethinking PLASTIC: Making change happen

How to Have Enlightenment, Power (and Money) with Resilience Stories

Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 by Dan Kingsbury 1. It’s quite strange to be here on this planet with you, don’t you think? I consider it equally strange that, as much as I know about our world, I can never really know you or any other person for that matter. Yet we… Continue reading How to Have Enlightenment, Power (and Money) with Resilience Stories