Canada’s environmental performance: cause for concern?

by Stan Hirst During the run-up to the 2015 Canadian federal elections a total of 164,704 respondents reacted to the simple online question “What issue is most important to you in this election?“. The largest proportion of respondents (36%) said “economy”. The next largest proportion (11%) said “environment”. The remaining issues cited were “health” (11%),… Continue reading Canada’s environmental performance: cause for concern?

Rethinking PLASTIC: Making change happen

by Patricia Plackett On 26 October 2017 a salon organized by the Suzuki Elders examined the growing concern surrounding plastic in our oceans.  The durability of plastic means that it never disappears, although it can break down into smaller and smaller micro-sized and nano-sized pieces. Of the plastic discarded on land, a surprisingly large amount… Continue reading Rethinking PLASTIC: Making change happen

Watching you Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau; You will recall that at your book launch in Park Royal you graciously autographed below my comment ‘Watching You!’ An autumn of sheer delight over your victory, boosted by a blossoming ’SunnyWays’ atmosphere across the land culminated in Canada’s strong and confident performance at COP21 where you and your team were… Continue reading Watching you Prime Minister