Country of Survival

by Lillian Ireland and Rob Dramer This country’s beautiful and fragile human tapestry is interwoven with strands of every ethnicity imaginable. What a privilege to live in a country where, for the most part, our relationships exist within frameworks of respect, dignity and congeniality! Canada is known globally for this. Yet watching our country slowly… Continue reading Country of Survival

Dear Premier Notley

It is our pleasure as British Columbians to welcome you to Vancouver this coming week. We understand you have come to our fair city to address the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade on the merits of the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline project. We must apologize for our weather; it is a bit dark and damp… Continue reading Dear Premier Notley

Keep It in the Ground: The Biggest Story in the World

CANADA ALBERTA FORT MCMURRAY 19JUL09 - View of smoke plumes emitted from the Syncrude upgrader plant north of Fort McMurray, northern Alberta, Canada.

by Josef Kuhn Keep what in the ground? Who says this is the biggest story in the world? The ‘what’ is hydrocarbon fuel material in its many forms. Alan Rusbridger, Editor-in-chief of The Guardian and Bill McKibben, leader of, got together this past year and from their discussions concluded that ending the mining, transporting… Continue reading Keep It in the Ground: The Biggest Story in the World