by Lillian Ireland
With wonder and openness, Michelle and Aaron, both ten, from Alberta, Canada, depict courage and victory ascending a mountain…
Though there are no physical hills near them, they express other “mountains” which they believe are scalable and attainable…
We are gifted with their hope and tender truths…
Havannah, age six from BC, Canada, shares her love for the natural world around her, in her beautiful art…
Her three-and-a-half-year-old sister Addie created this green, nature scene and added a beautifully painted rock…
She said she’d like to give rocks and pictures to all their neighbours..
One day, she can…
There is much to learn from the hearts of children…
Wow, how lovely!!!! Totally inspiring 🙂
I have always appreciated children’s honesty and candidness. “Children say the darndest things” with Art Link was one of the funniest shows that demonstrated children’s honesty and candidness.
To follow the wisdom of children is a very good thing in today’s world. 🙂
You are so right. When we listen, they will lead us…