by suzukiwebmaster | Oct 26, 2020 | Advocacy, Green Perspective, Rules of Engagement, Species & Ecosystems
by Bob Worcester The 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with its “doctrine of discovery” declared “non-Christian” lands were fair game for European explorers. By this doctrine Canada was deemed “terra nullius” or “empty land” which when claimed for the Crown gave sovereigns...
by suzukiwebmaster | Sep 7, 2020 | Advocacy, Developing Resilience, Green Perspective
by Stan Hirst Have just watched the excellent film Metamorphosis. In its prologue the film seeks to bear witness to a moment of profound change – the loss of one world, and the birth of another. The film exposes us to scenes of forest fires consuming...
by suzukiwebmaster | Jul 10, 2020 | Advocacy, Our Changing World, Rules of Engagement
by Dan Kingsbury Recently the Suzuki Elders hosted a Grief and Praise Luncheon/Supper Club online in the Zoom environment for our Spring Social Event in these COVID times. It was attended by about 20 Elders who shared a virtual meal and then worked with the theme of...
by suzukiwebmaster | Jun 16, 2020 | Advocacy, Personal Reflections
by Lillian Ireland WORDS – spoken, written, sung, or even withheld – serve many purposes. Words can lift, crush, empower or embitter. They can bridge and unite us. They can incite emotion and deepen or destroy a relationship. They can encourage and help...
by suzukiwebmaster | May 30, 2020 | Advocacy, Wonderful World
by John Kaag & Susan Froderberg Pedestrian: a word fitted to the most drab, tedious and monotonous moments of life. We don’t want to live pedestrian lives. Yet maybe we should. Many of history’s great thinkers have been pedestrians. Henry David Thoreau and William...
by suzukiwebmaster | May 19, 2020 | Advocacy, Green Perspective, Opinions, Our Changing World, Rules of Engagement
This is the all-time challenge for our species. Will we show the wisdom to act with the guidance of science? Will we have the compassion to help those most impacted by the unavoidable global warming already happening? Will we have the intelligence to find new...