by Rob Dramer and Lillian Ireland


Sanitizers in Staples and masks in their stock!

Who would have guessed this on life’s earlier clock?

Floor lines in Thrifty’s, metering spaces

with plexiglass protection so we still see their faces.

For some, there’s confusion when things aren’t enforced;

conflicts build up then challenges emerge.

Yet, it’s all based on science, so restrictions are there,

and following through demonstrates that we care.

It’s a small price, NO, actually it’s beyond that you see.

It’s respect for the future, for you and for me.

There are ways as we learn how to live with these rules;

safe distancing, hand-washing and masks are our tools.

At times it seems daunting and we get mighty tired

running in circles and feeling quite wired.

At other times we’re angry and can’t stand the restrictions,

We say #%^*!, please pardon our dictions!

Yes, the news has been heavy and not only the virus,

Elections around bewilder and try us!

Injustices abound, there’s ache in our hearts,

at times they all seem to just pull us apart.

And when we think of the climate, it’s beyond here and now,

unparalleled reckoning, but the question is how?

Well, there’s work to be done as our paradigms shift,

Following science is how things will lift.

We’re moving ahead as we become more aware,

we’re finding our voice and climbing out of despair.

The Earth has been crying and we’re heeding her voice,

as we embrace these tough times, we’re making the choice

to move steadily forward, standing up for our Earth,

it somehow seems like we’re in a rebirth.

Slow and steady we’re climbing as we make novel choices,

breaking the molds and hearing the voices

of the children and others as we steadily move on

where Severn, Ta’Kaiya, Melina and Greta have shone.

Anxieties may increase as the days tend to zoom,

so as we move through each day we must also make room

for self-care; it’s important! Please remember to breathe

in for five deeply, then slowly release.

Many times through the day shout, “We’re going to get through this!”

It’s mighty hard, yes, but we’re also courageous.

Cry when you must and take care when you holler,

Find hope in today and pray for tomorrow!

Raise your endorphins by moving around,

Turn away from the screens and hear nature’s sound.

When vices rise up like emotional eating,

Find a way back to health as you deal with the grieving.

From the valleys to the highs, we’re all looking for hope.

And doing our best as we all try to cope.

Offering a hand will connect you to another;

it can go well beyond a sister or brother.

A store clerk or worker can both use a smile,

“Hello” and warm “thank you” can go a long mile.

These ripple effects will travel outward, you see,

along the river of life as they flow to the sea…

along the river of life as they flow to the sea…